Sunday, July 6, 2014

Inner Conflict

12:29 PM Posted by iSachin No comments
As usual I woke up late after watching the Quarter final between Netherlands and Cost Rica which by the way ended very very late. Barring that I had excellent rest today with lots of sleep which did not get because of my new found love for football. I will be lying if I say that I am a football fan but I do like to watch that sport. Its most exhausting sport one can play and I am definitely not the person to get involved. So watching it on the TV is the only option, I guess....

You might think that this blog is about the football which will be the second part of the World cup related to blog I wrote 4 years back. I really wanted to do that but world cup is almost over and now I am not interested as such so until and unless you fans..;) insist on it(which I know they are not..:D), till that time I am going to avoid the temptation

As I said I was awake late nights to watch the football matches even though I am not a vivid football fan, show my confusion about my likes and dislikes. This happens with everyone and I am surely not alone with this thought. 

In this the mind plays a very peculiar role where it plays both the sides of an argument. On one had it tells use one thing and in the next second it gives the extremely opposite views. I always wonder why thin happens and why our thought process is not linear, which surely make our life easy or maybe not. Let’s explore this thought…so shall we..:)

Inner conflict
Also the question arises with the Inner conflict is whether having Inner conflict is right thing? I have conflicting view on this and many of you will concur with me. With the This I think some people may call it mind games but there is no way to avoid it.

May be that's the reason why human history is full of conflict? Its the inner conflict in each of the us gave away to those violent actions. I think as humans whatever we say or pretend to be, we are by nature violent. One might argue that it’s not the first nature of the humans. My counter argument to that will be ‘The positive or negative energy coming out of our inner conflicts had to channels somewhere’.  With such humongous organ called brain we have to have those thought and eventually the actual conflict.

But is that everything bad out the inner conflict and has to end in a actual conflict, may be not. As we became more civilized and domesticated, we learn to leave it it. It not the day to day life, which we have the conflict with or because of which have those inner conflict in the first place.

It is becoming more confusing a paragraph by paragraph for me also so I can guess how confusing it would be for you but we all look for answer and this is my litter effort to seek one. My first effort question was ‘What is an inner conflict?’ and second was ‘Whether having inner conflict is really bad?’

As reader of mistakenly diverted user, do you really have the answer for this? If answer is affirmative then I surely would like to hear from you. Please do write the comments so that I can take this subject forward as I have one view that I am far from over.

This is the first blog I am writing after having my beautiful daughter and I have absolutely no inner conflict that whether she will love me or not…but there are things about which we have inner conflict and lets bring those in open….