Monday, August 16, 2010

India - Divided we stand

5:25 AM Posted by iSachin 3 comments
We always talk about the tradition which dates back to thousands of years but have u ever heard anything called bharat or Hindustan. Never because there was no idea of single country, this notion of country came when European as they had this idea of people of same language contituets as country.

I never fathom the arguments like 'People are getting divided on the basis of language', obiviously they are because that is what we were for 5000 years of our civilization but we learnt to live with eachother peacefully and thats most imporant thing. There are differences every where but we need to live with those hence may be institution of marriage has survied here more than in western countries.

Now if u take this as basis we have states based on that pricipal. We have regions based on language but when whole europe is devided on the basis of language why we feel anti national when we talk about regionalism. you must be wondering why am i writing this immediately after independence day this is because regionalism is very basis of our nationality.

For thousands of year idea of 'India' never existed. Idea of India was for outsiders internally we were always divided and will be divided take Europe for that matter at least they all look alike. You may call it anti-nationalism but it is fact and if we deny the history then there is every chance of not making right decisions for the future.

I don't know where i heard this story about India, you might find it interesting..
There is a bird which is not supposed to fly but it is still flying and doing great. do you know why it is flying, because it dont know that it is not meant for it. same way you can consider india in its place and imagine. There are all the ingredients in this country to fail but still it hasn't and bonded even better. Ever since the beinging of the journey of country called India, everyone in the world was betting not on will india broke down? but on when? But we survived. Have u ever thought about it why this has happened because sometimes 2 people cannot make there marriage work how come crores of people could weathered the storm and survived and poised to be the next super power in the 21st century.

Being superpower is not new for us we were been the superpower till most of the human civilization. Once our economy was the 50% of world GDP which is now mere 1%. Europe has never been this rich untill they sucked up all the resources and valuable from the world and contries like india. They have utilized all that and now facing the problem.

I think was we are today is evolved over the years, India is just the idea for other people (specially europeans) who where just nomatide tribe few years ago. I think it is much more than that, it is a religion which is followed by every person in this peace of land. There are so many religions which without doubt fail every where but survied here because we indian know that respecting other religion is as important as respecting there own.

When asked this question 'who are you?' then obiviosly we give answer that i am marathi or i am kannadi. I think regionalism is the core basis of every individual's existance and if we want to move ahead in next century then we need to accept this fact. At least we havent had 2 world war on this even though we are much more diverse than europeans. They atleast have same characters even there languages have the origions from the sanskrit. Here in south we have languages which are far different that sansrit and evolved independently. Europeans look like same but if u take 4 corners of india they look totally different.

now lets talk about the dangers facing to india. what does comes to your mind? 'Pakistan', 'China' 'Climate Change' or 'Naxalism'. If u take my opinion there are nothing if u compare it to the 'Corruption'. I think it is only thing that is bothering to the common man if this is not handled properly by the government then i am afraid and sure that next kranti would be against these corrupt people. It has started in the tribal area's but soon spread if this issue is not handled by the government. Until and unless we get a strong leader that is not going to happen.

as usual i don't want to end this on sarcastic note so good sense prevail and we would bring back the status of our nation.

belated happy independence day....


Side Effects Acai said...

we all want to improve India.
Lets not get frustrated and start putting in efforts ourselves, lets see where we can take it.

Pradeep said...

Youths are the future of India so we must spread awareness among the youths to have a better tomorrow.

Unknown said...

"now lets talk about the dangers facing to india. what does comes to your mind? 'Pakistan', 'China' 'Climate Change' or 'Naxalism'. If u take my opinion there are nothing if u compare it to the 'Corruption'."
..Sir i read ur last para & according to me any issue related to country is like playing an emotions of the people.whether it is inside or outside no matter.
And if u talk about the corruption then it is an individual issue that we must stand our side together to stop it,what the hell government do in that matter,if the roots are weak then how can tree be grow.
And last but not the least i must say ur title "India - Divided we stand" according to me contradicting with the fact that India is naturally the place of Unity with diversities- is a slogan celebrating co-operation between different groups of people in a single society and socio-ecological philosophy -