Monday, November 15, 2010

Yes, We Can - Magic of Obama

8:47 AM Posted by iSachin 2 comments
Its been a landmark visit by the US President Barak Obama to our country recently but this time around there has been a paradigm shift. I was keenly awaiting for his visit, wanted to know the thoughts for such a powerful personality in the world. A person who has won hearts of millions of Americans in last election. First black person who has won the presidency in US.

I was keenly following the electoral process in the US, start from the selection of the candidates of the 2 parties from the primaries. I think, i never gave 5% of my attention to the Indian elections (Gharki murgi daal barabar). It was really a good entertainment where everyday there was new revelations literally every day. allegations and counter allegations was the flavour of the season. I learned lot how the presidential form of democracy works.

It was really a fascinating story of a man who has such colorful past (not like Tiger woods but in good sense) lets see what was he, how he became the man he is today. Most of all what was my thinking about him or perceptions about him.

When I first read about him as running for presidency at that time I thought he didn't had any chance to win, That too against Hillary Clinton. At that time there was a great love affair going on between US and India via Bush and Manmohan Singh. US was ready to do anything to counter China hence it started to elevate the status of India by awarding the Nuclear Deal.

Sometimes there was this great tamasha of Democrat and Republic Primaries going on. I must say they have a superb system to elect some one to elect him again for presidency. ha ha ha.. Let it be, There was very unique thing was happening. It was ki both the candidates by the Democrats could have been there historic first i.e. First Women president or First Black male president. In case of Barak Obama, even though I follow lot for international politics, never heard of his name.

An as the campaign progressed he fallen behind Hillary Clinton. But at end of the campaign he took the lead and Hillary Clinton, where she accepted her defeat. My thinking was Hillary could have been a better president in relation to India than Barak obama. But Its in traditions of democrats that there are conservative party unlike Republican who are promoters of free trade. Which by the way we need now to progress.

In elections, as he is the incredible speaker gave the massage of change, message was 'Yes, We Can'. Americans were ready to listen to only one message, Message of 'Change'. That's what Barak Obama gave to them. He inspired the young generation in the US, which was some what disassociated with the historical Racial Discrimination. They voted in large number to this black president. Rest is history my friends.

Immediately within one year of his presidency he got the Nobel peace prize. I was shocked to hear that, when a person who absolutely did nothing substantial for peace on world stage got this award. World had a great love affair with him. Many Americans were very surprised to hear about his win, cause this was the times when Financial crisis was at its peak. They wanted there president to be doing something for them, They new the real Obama. Not the world who were not affected by his policies or his decisions. I truly think that by giving the Nobel peace prize to the president in his first year of presidency and that to without any substantial work done in that area, thus Jury has discredited the prize. Even Mahatma Gandhi hasn't got it, May be because he is far greater that those prizes.

President Obama made waves in India when he strongly advocated the anti-outsourcing Bills and Discriminatory visa policies where Indian companies were made to pay the bills for border security of US with Mexico. He had to do it for his local constituencies as the mid-term elections where there and had to fulfill his promises. At least wanted to pretend to do something.

And then came the visit of India. There was great controversy going on for not informing the India about David Headly. The US Ambassador was continuously bombarded with those questions but amazing, he never got frustrated and made all the positive noises. I said this time it was different because he was playing for the galleries of US media where he is pretending to be 'Creating thousands of Jobs in Us'. He signed deals worth $10 Billion, but its nothing compare to scams such as telecoms scam which are worth $35 billion. Though he was happy with that and we are too.

He made a historical speech in the parliament where he supported the bid for permanent seat to UN Council. UN Council Seat which India has made a issue of great pride, I would rather write on this afterwards. We all Indians waiting to hear that, everyone was happy. Along with that he also made so very good comments as follows.

My confidence in our shared future is grounded in my respect for India’s treasured past-a civilization that has been shaping the world for thousands of years. Indians unlocked the intricacies of the human body and the vastness of our universe. And it is no exaggeration to say that our information age is rooted in Indian innovations-including the number zero”.

He again applauded and thanked Mahatma Gandhi saying, ” I might not be standing before you today, as President of the United States, had it not been for Gandhi and the message he shared with America and the world”.

President Obama also praised India’s multi-cultural society and its social fabric that gives space for the co-existence to people of all castes, class, colors and creed. Obama also praised India’s strong democracy.
He again emphasized how the USA welcomes India as an emerging global power and also stressed the need for co-operation in defense and civil space. Obama also spoke about Indo-US partnership in science, agriculture, economic ties, space research and health.

I really impressed with his wife Michelle Obama and her dancing skills. Only disappointment i had was such a educated women who was once worked as lawyer didn't got a single invitation form any of our leading educational institutes. Her insights could have been inspirational to lot of young girls, god knows who made her itinerary.

My conclusion was that he visit could have been different but I could see the falling image and economical stature of US. US has not been the same country is was 10 years ago. But this president is doing his bit to take the US Citizen out of this crisis and the world indirectly. Everyone hates US but wants to go and leave there, such is the world and to work as president of such country is truly remarkable job. We ought to respect him for enormous responsibilities on the shoulder.

The thing which me is his message and we also need to apply in our lives.

Yes, We can


Unknown said...

Yes the content carries the real happening in the world. Obama or any one else in the world may see unity in diversity in India. But the truth is that it is from outside only. People in India is having their STATE level feelings, its all about Punjabi, Gujrati, Marathi, Bengali, Teleugu, Tamil, Asami, Bihari, Orria etc etc... education is very important for all and till the day comes when we think we all are Indain (even we are all human in this world) and cultivate the thoughts of Live and Let Live happily, I will not considere my country (or any other country) a developped country.

iSachin said...

'People in India is having their STATE level feelings'

Thats the uniqueness of this country as if u ready my blog 'Divided we stand'

you would realize that this feeling is every where. Its very human nature that we always give some preference to our culture and language is a very big part of it.

So dont get defeated by few instances. This country has long way to go. So be positive and think positive..